"Each workshop focuses on three primary topics. We will discuss planning phase that happens before the photo shoot. Then, we'll spend the majority of the day shooting and creating images with a variety of lighting styles and easy-to-follow posing techniques. After a quick break, we'll focus on editing in Photoshop and how to take your images to the next level at both an intermediate and advanced level. It's absolutely key to master each stage of the process and my workshops are designed to help you get on track and overcome the obstacles that have been keeping you from reaching your full potential. Although I recommend everyone has at least an intermediate level with photography and editing with Photoshop, my class is open to anyone who is interested in learning." -Jason Buff

Jason Buff travels the world to teach individuals his highly sought after look. In this worshop over a 2 day span will cover his secrets of how he creates images from posing, styling, all the way to PhotoShop finishing. Only a couple seats left on this one.
Lori will set an extra ala-carte CREATOR DAY for attendees to come back and practice newly learned technique in their own thought process to take it to the next level. (details coming soon)
**Lunch is available in the Art Factory Mercado with a made for Symposium menu with Fresh Leaf. Vegetarian options.