OUR Portrait symposium TRIBE
the people that bring you avant - garde photographer education
Joseph “JC” Carey is a lifetime image maker that like many photographers was terrified of lighting until he was gifted with a class in 2007. The class (the only formal one he’s ever taken) was terrible with too much focus on the “recipes” rather than teach HOW to light but that gift changed everything. It lit a fire that has never stopped burning. It transformed him from someone that barely took pictures of people and knew nothing about lighting into someone still trying to figure out how to light everything.
The last 15 years have passed with him being blessed with a daughter, a career doing what he loves, multiple magazine covers, and with meeting amazing people and trying to create great images of them. The art of photography and taking pictures is his passion but the ability to make his vision a reality in a photograph is what truly drives him.
JC has taught all over the US including being part of the Staff at Summit Workshops.
JC is a professional photographer based in New Jersey as well as proudly joining Westcott as their East Coast Sales Manager in 2020 using their gear for the entirety of his lighting lifespan
You can find him online at
IG: @JCPhotoMedia
Fear from Flash held on November 1 2022
SPONSORS & SUPPORTERS for JC Carey Symposium
Class Sponsored By WESTCOTT
JC featured the FJ 400 Strobe System to teach
Fear from Flash at SYMPOSIUM
Class Supported by
You can often find JC teaching at Unique Photo events.
He brings that special sauce to their platform.

Photographer Education
featuring Portrait Walks
hosted by Lori Patrick
MAIL : in care of
Lori Patrick, LLC
c/o Americus Hotel
541 Hamilton St. Suite 810
Allentown, PA
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©2025 Portrait Symposium [ a division of Photo Communiqué ]
Thanks for supporting the mission via our partner affiliates on this website.
Hosted by Lori Patrick @loripatrickimages on IG
Find videos pertaining to Portrait Symposium on You Tube Channel. @photocommuniquetv
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